Lace Place Blog

The Future is Silver: Embracing the Trend Color of 2024

The Future is Silver: Embracing the Trend Color...

In der Welt der Mode und des Designs sind Farben von entscheidender Bedeutung, um Trends zu setzen und eine Stimmung zu kreieren. Für das Jahr 2024 hat die Trendforschung die...

The Future is Silver: Embracing the Trend Color...

In der Welt der Mode und des Designs sind Farben von entscheidender Bedeutung, um Trends zu setzen und eine Stimmung zu kreieren. Für das Jahr 2024 hat die Trendforschung die...

Die Kunst des Schnürsenkelbindens: Verschiedene...

Hier sind vier verschiedene Möglichkeiten, um deine Schnürsenkel zu binden und unterschiedliche Looks und Passformen zu erreichen: 1. Criss Cross Beim Criss Cross Lacing werden die Schnürsenkel in einem schrägen Kreuzmuster...

Die Kunst des Schnürsenkelbindens: Verschiedene...

Hier sind vier verschiedene Möglichkeiten, um deine Schnürsenkel zu binden und unterschiedliche Looks und Passformen zu erreichen: 1. Criss Cross Beim Criss Cross Lacing werden die Schnürsenkel in einem schrägen Kreuzmuster...

Weiße AF1 Sneaker mit Glitzer Schnürsenkel in rosa.

Glitzer laces: how best to combine and style them

Glitzer laces are a trendy accessory that can give every shoe a sparkling touch. No matter whether sneaker, boots or even sandals, glitter laces, a simple pair of shoes can...

Glitzer laces: how best to combine and style them

Glitzer laces are a trendy accessory that can give every shoe a sparkling touch. No matter whether sneaker, boots or even sandals, glitter laces, a simple pair of shoes can...

Wie können Schnürsenkel das Aussehen meiner Schuhe verbessern?

How can laces improve the appearance of my shoes?

Here are some creative opportunities to bind laces:1. Double loopTie a normal knot and then make a second loop over it to achieve a faster look.2. Cross and crossInstead of...

How can laces improve the appearance of my shoes?

Here are some creative opportunities to bind laces:1. Double loopTie a normal knot and then make a second loop over it to achieve a faster look.2. Cross and crossInstead of...

Gravierte Lace Tags an Nike Sneakern

Lace tags as a perfect, extraordinary gift idea

Personalized gifts are always a special way to make someone happy. They show that you have worried and put you in trouble finding something unique. A great idea for personalized...

Lace tags as a perfect, extraordinary gift idea

Personalized gifts are always a special way to make someone happy. They show that you have worried and put you in trouble finding something unique. A great idea for personalized...

LED Lace Tags, Blinkies, leuchtende Lace Tags

Safe on the way to school

A safe way to school is of the greatest importance for parents and children. In order to increase visibility and avoid accidents, we offer a number of shining accessories at....

Safe on the way to school

A safe way to school is of the greatest importance for parents and children. In order to increase visibility and avoid accidents, we offer a number of shining accessories at....