Here are some creative opportunities to bind laces:
1. Double loop
Tie a normal knot and then make a second loop over it to achieve a faster look.
2. Cross and cross
Instead of simply crossing the shoelaces, wrap them around the eyelets in a special way to create an interesting pattern.
3. side knot
Tie your laces into a side knot instead of pulling them through the eyelets. This looks particularly cool with high sneakers or hiking boots.
4. Zick-Zag
Do not guide the laces directly over the eyelets, but in the eye to the right and left to create a zigzag pattern.
5. Schleifen experiment
Create different loops by binding the laces in a certain way. For example, make a small knot, twist the ends and then tie a loop over it. You can find beautiful shoelaces for loops Premium laces.
6. Color mix
Use laces in different colors and bind them in a contrasting way to create a lively look. You can find colorful laces here: Flat laces with prints.
7. square nodes
Combine two laces in different colors and bind them to a square knot. This looks particularly good when the shoes have a contrasting color.
These are just a few ideas to bind your laces in a creative way. Let your imagination run wild and experiment with various techniques to create your own unique style.